Complaint Process: We have a complaint process regarding the Content on our website. This process allows you or anyone else to report to us any Content that may be illegal or that otherwise violates the Standards. We will review and resolve all reported complaints within seven (7) business days. In the event such review yields evidence of illegal Content or Content which violates the Standards, we will remove the Content immediately. Unless you are one of our approved performers, you should never be depicted in any Content on our website. If you are not one of our approved performers and you believe you are depicted in any Content, please notify us and specifically identify the Content, and we will remove the Content from our website.
Our performers are verified Content providers because they have been approved by us after our robust process for verifying the age and identity of every performer. This includes the review and validation of their government-issued picture identification card and steps to ensure their government-issued picture identification card is in the possession of and belongs to them. We use a number of tools to validate government-issued picture identification cards, including we use a third-party vendor that specializes in the validation of government identifications. Our approved performers may upload Content onto our website, which Content would be viewable or accessible on the performer’s Bio Page. We will review any such Content before it is published on our website. If our review indicates any of the Content is illegal or violates the Standards, then we will block the Content from being published on our website.
Content Creators: (Appeals process) You may request at any time for your content to be removed. Email us at You will be acknowledged within 48 hours. We will notify you once your request is resolved/removed, or moved to final review to be completed, if more information is needed to complete the request.